Sister Eleanor was not the only woman in a nursing home that the Lord blessed me with! In 2021, I was minding my own business, scrubbing a toilet in the dead of Covid wrecking our society, (thank God I had clients that still allowed me to clean their homes!) when I heard the Lord say, "Geneva." I was shocked. I knew it was the Lord and I only knew of one Geneva and I knew she was a much older woman and questioned if she was even still alive, but knew right away she must be, as the Lord is not likely to direct me to a dead woman..... The Geneva I knew went to the church I started out in, Covenant Christian Church. I had only had a brief interaction with her there, but knew she was a serious warrior for our Lord. So, I called a friend that used to attend that church with me to see what I could find out. She told me she wasn't sure but thought she had already passed. When she said those words, the Lord said," NO." I continued my hunt. I thought, at best she was likely in a nursing home and nursing homes were not easy to get into at this time, especially if you weren't vaccinated. Finally I reached out to the church's secretary who informed me she was in a local nursing home I was already able to access as I cleaned for a gentleman on the assisted living side. So, I was already praising the Lord to know I would not have trouble accessing Sister Geneva! I went! I found her to be nearly blind, nearly deaf and she had been crying out to the LORD! She had family, but due to their health, they were unable to visit her. She had next to nothing clothes wise; this can happen in a nursing home without family oversight. I found out she had owned a store in Centerburg where my mother was raised, my mother and Aunt remembered her well with some special memories of her, so my aunt came to help me clean her room, my grandmother gave money to help me get her some comfy pajamas and a blanket. I knew what she needed most though, and I read the WORD to her! Because she was so hard of hearing I had to yell the Word to her, so it was like I was reading to the whole hall she was in! The one interaction I had with her while she was well enough to attend church, I had looked into her eyes and her pupils appeared to me as key holes, so I had always been intrigued by this, I knew the Lord was teaching me something. It was that prayer is not the key, but the keyhole, the keys are given by the Lord when we pray and cry out to him with a pure heart, and Geneva was a prayer warrior! I enjoyed just over half a year visiting this woman weekly, loving on her! One time I brought my crew along to clean her room with me and she was fit to be tied! We showed up during her dinner and they were eating in their rooms at this time because of Covid. Sister Geneva threatened to call the Mount Vernon News to tell them I was cleaning her room and kicking up dust while she was trying to eat her dinner! She was a spit-fire! A force to be reckoned with and I trust she was used mightily to increase and strengthen the Kingdom Of God!
What an honor, what a delight, what an adventure to follow the Lord, to go where he sends us! That was one of my best assignments. I would have liked to have more time with her, but had it not been for the grace of God, I would never have had those few months, so I thank him for trusting me with such a beautiful assignment to care for such a treasure! Glory to God!